Contact Me!

Have a question not related to a post? Want me to attempt to cover something? Want to send me snail mail?

Okay, I don't have a snail mail address for Korea yet (I'm not there!) But I do have other contacts!

Snail Mail: Coming Eventually!


  1. 1. I didn't know you had a Tumblr.
    2. I love your Dumbledore quote.
    3. I love YOU! And I miss your face!!!! :) <3

    1. 1. I didn't until a few days ago 'cause I wanted to follow a few people on there.
      2. ^_^ If I remember, I'll be rotating a few of my favorites through there. There will be many, many more HP quotes.
      3. I miss you and your face too!!!
      4. This comment points out a flaw in my blog. Comments were supposed to be disabled on my contact me and about me pages.
